The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Eresby Special School

Eresby Special School maintains a caring and happy atmosphere where pupils can feel safe and are encouraged to achieve their personal best. Enabling them to leave school as confident, happy and independent as possible.


The school has nine class groups:

1. Willow Class : EYFS and Key Stage 1 – EYFS and adapted National Curriculum
2. Cherry Class : Pre-Formal Years 1 to 10 Engagement Steps
3. Holly Class : Semi-Formal Primary Following Engagement and Progression Step Curriculum
4. Poplar Class : Formal Primary Progression Steps Curriculum
5. Pine Class : Semi-Formal Secondary Engagement and Progression Steps Curriculum
6. Cedar Class : Formal Secondary Progression Steps Curriculum
7. Maple Class : Pre-Formal Steps for Life Curriculum
8. Birch Class : Semi-Formal Steps for Life Curriculum and accredited courses
9. Oak Class : Formal accredited qualifications

The curriculum is taught through pathways, with this there are lots of opportunities for practical, hands on activities and visits to ensure learning is fun. As the pupils progress through the school they are enabled to become more independent and include practical, vocational skills whilst still focusing on key drivers of the school.

The classes are grouped in ages and pathways, which enables the pupils to work and develop social skills with their own peer group. Class groups may then be split into smaller groups for specific activities and interventions.