The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Eresby Special School

Eresby Special School maintains a caring and happy atmosphere where pupils can feel safe and are encouraged to achieve their personal best. Enabling them to leave school as confident, happy and independent as possible.


At Eresby we are really proud of our extra-curricular provision.

We believe that a well-rounded education is key to our pupils' development.

Pupils are able to take part in various activities, both inside and outside of the school grounds.

We have a number of excellent facilities, which help them to develop new skills:

Hydrotherapy Pool

The School pool is used by all students in the primary department, and also those that it is especially beneficial to who have physical disabilities as part of their movement programmes.

Sensory Studio

The school has a Sensory Studio for relaxation therapies such as aromatherapy, and for group work such as sensory stories.

Life Skills Room

The Life Skills room provides all year groups with key skills for living, such as preparing healthy and nutritious meals, and laundry care.

Horticulture area

We are very proud of our horticulture area with polytunnel and raised beds.

Students grow produce that is used in the school kitchen or cooked by themselves in the life skills room.  Teaching them skills and knowledge of how food gets from the seed to plate.

Outdoor areas

Eresby is fortunate to have a good range of outdoor areas for learning and play.

We have an Early Years play area, playground, playing field, sensory garden, willow classroom, bike track and areas adjacent to classrooms to extend into to develop learning and experiences.

School Council

At Eresby we have an active School Council.

The School Council made up from representatives from each class across the school.  They meet on a regular basis and organise fundraising events for the school and external charities. 

The School Council members discuss relevant topics and give their views on different aspects of school life.  They lead on specific projects and represent the school in local cluster group of small schools.  

We aim to be an inclusive school. This means that equality of opportunity must be a reality for our children.