The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Eresby Special School

Eresby Special School maintains a caring and happy atmosphere where pupils can feel safe and are encouraged to achieve their personal best. Enabling them to leave school as confident, happy and independent as possible.

Our Academy

Eresby School seeks to be a centre of excellence enabling each pupil to be educated to the highest possible standard.

The school is situated in a small market town surrounded by largely rural area. Eresby School is a special school serving an area of approx. 20 miles radius. It was established in 1970 and school has grown steadily in pupil numbers to the current role of 96. We cater for students from age 2 -19 who present with a diverse range of needs including Profound and multiply learning difficulties, moderate learning difficulties, severe learning difficulties and Autistic Spectrum disorder. In 2022 the building programme in association with Lincolnshire County specialist schools program was completed giving our pupils specialist learning environments and modern facilities in association with the NHS partnership.